Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Tugas 4 Bahasa Inggris

A. Complete the sentence below by using simple present or present progressive
1. A : (It, rain ) it is rain right now ?
    B : no, it isn’t at least, I (Not, think) dont thinking so.
2. She usually ( study ) studying at the library and she (play) plays pool every evening.
3. Sam is at the library. He ( use ) is using a dictionary to look up the spelling of some words. He ( write ) is writing a composition.
4. Right now, I (look) I am looking a the board. I (see) seeing some words on the board.

B. Complete the sentences by using simple past or past progressive 
1. Jack ( work ) was working while the others ( sleep) sleept
2. The weather (be) was very bad yesterday. It (rain) was raining all day.
3. The sun ( shine ) was shining brightly when she ( wake ) woke up
4. I (call) was called home last night, but my sister wasn’t at home. She (visit) visited her in laws